We recommend that your pets receive a veterinary examination once yearly. Your pets age more quickly than humans and their size and breed influence this age. A yearly exam will allow us to review your pet's recent history, lifestyle, daily activities, diet, and behavior.
The physical examination includes a dental assessment, pain assessment, and body condition scoring. We will then make a specific and detailed plan for your pet. Some recommendations
that may be given are:
Appropriate diagnostic test, including an annual heartworm blood test and testing for intestinal parasites
Year-round broad-spectrum parasite prevention/control, including protesction against heartworms, intestinal parasites, ticks
Dental care (both home care and dental cleaning
Thereapeutic management of medical conditions

We will determine the vaccines that are most appropriate for your pet. It is important that vaccines are started between 6-8 weeks of age. Other preventative health strategies we may suggest include:

Spaying or Neutering
Early disease screening tests (blood and urine samples)
Dental Care